Armed Forces Day Website Takeover

Sustainable Haverhill

Sustainable Haverhill Carbon Neutral by 1 January 2050


What are we doing in Haverhill?

Sustainable Haverhill is Haverhill’s community-based initiative to make Haverhill carbon neutral by 2050. 

Haverhill Town Council established an Energy and Sustainability Committee at the beginning of 2020. It has been looking at the range of actions and opportunities that exist to meet greenhouse gas reduction targets, improving air quality, environment, and biodiversity. These include the initiatives the council can do, such as reducing fossil fuel use for its buildings, and vehicles, reducing its own single-use plastic, creating more green spaces, and encouraging greener transport options. It also promotes what the community can do to reduce their impact on climate change as well as cherish and protect our local environment. 

The Council has brought these together into an action plan, which is now underway, and Sustainable Haverhill is central to achieving the goal of being carbon-neutral by 2050.

Energy for your business

How to make changes to improve efficiency and cut your carbon footprint.

Join us to find out about the changes you can make to improve energy efficiency in your business.

From the first steps measuring and auditing your energy use to practical changes and longer term investments.

This event is part of the West Suffolk Business Festival and our Clean Growth for Business programme.

What can everyone do?

Car Sharing: is a free to use and secure web-based matching service for anyone wishing to share a car journey as either a driver or passenger. Go to  for a savings calculator to see how much money you can save.

Public Transport:

For more information on local bus timetables for Haverhill go to

Solar Panels:

Suffolk County Council runs a successful group buying scheme called Solar Together Suffolk which offers savings on the installation of solar panels for your home. 


Groundworks offer advice on topics such as energy management and monitoring, renewable energy, Green procurement, water and waste management, Environmental Management Systems, long-term sustainability, funding, and bid writing for environmental grants. 

If your business would like to receive accreditation for its environmental credentials, you can become a member of the Suffolk Carbon Charter, see for details.

The Carbon Trust also provides advice for business

Electric Vehicle Charging Points:

For a map of electric vehicle charge points in Haverhill see

Plug in Suffolk (Suffolk County Council) is the UK’s first fully open fast-charging network, where no phone app or membership card is required to charge and are looking for companies with accessibility to expand the EV charger network in Suffolk and Norfolk see for further details.


For further information on recycling and donating to charity please see

Food Waste:

Food Savvy is an organisation supported by Suffolk County Council to help reduce food waste and give ideas to save both food and money.

Topic meetings

The launch event on the 20th of May was just the first step on a long journey, made easier by walking it together.  Please join us by watching one or more of the topical meetings which followed on from our launch event and are now available to watch (see below).  If you are then interested in getting involved, please email to be added to our mailing list, remembering to state which topic(s) you are interested in.

Follow-up activities are now being planned, so watch this space for more information.

We are recruiting Tree Wardens to help look after the trees we’ve got and to be involved in new tree-planting activities.  More information will be available soon.

Sustainable Haverhill Launch, with Chris Hines

Recycling, with Kate McFarland

Energy saving and renewables, with Oliver Ingwall-King

Sustainable Living, with Kirsten Marshall

Tree planting, with Richard Frost

Litter picking, with Amon Szocs

Wednesday 2nd June – 7:00pm