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Co-option of Councillors

A casual vacancy has arisen for the role of Parish Councillor for Haverhill Town Council West Ward.  As a by-election was not called the Town Council now seeks to fill the seat through co-option and is calling for interested people to come forward. 

Mayor Councillor David Smith commented “It is an important part of the democratic and civil life of a town to have citizens come forward who are willing to put their heads above the parapet in order to shape the sort of town they want to live and work in.”

Town Clerk Colin Poole explained the process, “People need to complete an application form which they can either download from our website, email me requesting one, or pop into the Arts Centre.  Candidates are asked to confirm that they meet the qualifying criteria for being a councillor and are not disqualified from holding office, as well as to provide background information to help the Council choose the best candidate.”

Councillor Smith added “The selection will take place at the full council meeting on March 18th.  Each candidate will be given an opportunity to briefly address the Council should they wish. All valid applications will be considered, including those of candidates not present.”  


The fully completed form must be received by the Town Clerk by 3pm on Monday March 11th  2024.  It may be delivered as a hardcopy to Haverhill Arts Centre, High Street, Haverhill CB9 8AR, or emailed to


Town Council meetings take place on a Monday or Tuesday evening at 7pm and are in-person only, at the Haverhill Arts Centre, whilst various working party meetings are held via Zoom.