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Freedom of Information

This page is intended to serve as a signpost to the regularly-requested items publicly available under the Freedom of Information Act. Requests for copies of documents not immediately available on this website, or for other information, should be addressed to the Town Clerk.

Who We Are and What We Do

Haverhill Town Council,
Haverhill Arts Centre,
High Street,
CB9 8AR.

Tel: 01440 712858

Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday – 10:00am to 4:00pm.

All Councillors must declare an interest in any property, company or other entity within Haverhill that may have an effect, either directly or indirectly, on any decisions that they make. This is a requirement of the Localism Act 2011 and under Haverhill Town Council’s Code Of Conduct. The Register Of Interest is managed by St. Edmundsbury Borough Council on behalf of Haverhill Town Council. Haverhill Town Council have no control over that external website.

For the latest version of the Town Councils staffing structure.

To see the details of any vacancies within Haverhill Town Council.