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Local Music Performances

To give the town centre a post-lockdown boost Haverhill Town Council has arranged for local musicians willing to perform (free) for shoppers.
Each musician will nominate a local charity and all donations made will go directly to their selected good cause. The performers will be in town on Fridays and Saturdays close to the market and will draw upon a range of styles including folk, pop, and indie.
Here’s the line up (subject to change)
Friday 28 August
10.00am-12.00noon. **Pete Isaacs** Traditional Folk collecting for REACH
12.00noon -2.00pm **Quentin Robinson** 13th Century French Music collecting for St Nicholas Hospice
Saturday 29 August
10.00am-12.00noon **Iona Griffey** Contemporary covers and own songs collecting for the Bone Cancer Research Trust
Saturday 5 September
10.00am-12.00 noon **Isla Linsdell** 14 year acoustic singer songwriter collecting for Centre 33 Mental Health Charity
12,00 noon-2.00pm **Umbrella Assassins** – Indie Rock collecting for REACH