Haverhill residents recently attended an insightful talk by Simon Hooton from Save Our Suffolk Swifts, highlighting ways to encourage swifts to nest in the town. The presentation covered the natural habits of these remarkable birds, the reasons behind their decline, and practical steps the community can take to support them.
Have you spotted any swifts in Haverhill?
Following the talk, attendees noted the presence of swifts regularly seen screaming along High Street each summer. Another group (or possibly the same one) is often spotted above Spindle Road and across to West Town Flood Park. However, the locations of their nests remain unknown. Does anyone is Haverhill know where these swifts’ nests are located?
The community is encouraged to keep an eye out for nesting swifts, which typically make their homes in small crevices under roof tiles or in older buildings. Identifying and protecting these sites is vital for the birds’ future. You can register your sightings HERE or on the Swift Mapper app.
How can I help the swifts in Haverhill?
One of the most effective ways to help swifts is by installing nest boxes and call systems, which attract the birds to safe nesting sites. Encouraging insect populations, their primary food source, is another key step.
As part of the effort to protect local swifts, swift nest boxes—generously donated by Men’s Shed—will be available for purchase at the Haverhill Town Council Energy and Sustainability Green Market on Saturday, 17 May. The market will also feature a range of eco-friendly traders, activities, and entertainment.
For more information or to get involved in swift conservation efforts, visit the Green Market on 17 May or contact Save Our Swifts.