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Seasonal Message from Mayor John Burns

Since March, the response from the people of Haverhill to the Coronavirus pandemic has been truly inspiring and the relatively low level of infections in this area perhaps reflects this. It is unfortunate that I have been unable to attend many of the Mayoral events expected in normal times, but I have been extremely heartened that, with the use of technology, we have been able to produce virtual events for both VE and VJ Days plus a reduced Remembrance service last month that was livestreamed. I would like to reiterate my thanks to all those involved with these very important events.
As a Town Council we have been able to reopen our premises in a safe, socially distanced, manner and welcomed more than 500 members of the public back into our Arts Centre to watch the very funny Dame Dora’s Panto Party. A lot of work has gone on behind the scenes by staff to ensure this can be seen by as many people as possible, including provision of temporary toilets on the same level as the auditorium, to help those who need some cheering up. We are closed again but will be back again when restrictions allow.
Outdoor events have also gone ahead including the Halloween Trail and the recent Marvellous Magical Winter Kingdom, receiving very good reviews but behind the scenes there has been hours of planning and effort to bring these to fruition. For that I would like to thank all Town Council staff and volunteers who helped make these happen. Some images of what we have been doing are shown with this post.
We continue to support all our residents and businesses through various initiatives, and much work has gone into making our town safe for all, but I want to especially highlight the work done by volunteers during the past 9 months in organising food deliveries and support to many people forced to self-isolate at home. We highly appreciate their contributions. That work continues even now. I encourage everyone, in this festive period, to reach out (safely) to neighbours and friends to make sure they have everything they need and especially to help them feel they are not alone.
It is preaching the obvious that this nasty virus is not done with yet. The prospect of a vaccine being available to us in the New Year does however raise some hope that maybe the light at the end of that proverbial tunnel may just be glimmering. The onus is on all of us to ensure we continue to follow the rules to keep infection levels as low as possible and particularly protect our loved ones from harm.
On behalf of Haverhill Town Council – I thank you for your support and understanding.
Have a very Happy Christmas. We can all look forward to a 2021 that eventually should bring some relief to us all.
Above all, KEEP SAFE!
John Burns
Mayor of Haverhill